This recipe uses an automatic coffee maker to brew the cider. If you don't own one, heat it in a slow cooker or a saucepan over medium heat on the stovetop....
Make some memories with the aromas of cinnamon, clove and lemon, mingled with hot apple cranberry cider. If desired, float a fresh lemon slice in each...
This tastes just like apple pie! Great in the autumn around a campfire or on a hay-ride. Put it in canning jars with rings and lids for that down-home...
Nothing beats a mug of hot cider on a cold winter day. This recipe is great as it calls for fresh apple cider and pure maple syrup. Start with only 6 strips...
Simple spiced apple cider! I used to buy the spices already mixed at the grocery store, and they stopped carrying it this year, so I just made my own....
Mulled cranberry cider, like mulled wine, is a cold-weather tradition in my home. This warm, comforting drink is easy to prepare and is a great finale...
Nothing is more soothing than a hot cup of spiced orange cider on a cold winter's night. I've enjoyed this recipe for years. Bring this mix to work, as...
A quick and delicious hot cider drink - Great for cold weather entertaining. Always a big hit with young and old! Cloves can be placed into cheesecloth...
Hot apple cider sweetened with maple syrup and topped with butter and spices. A wonderful drink on a cold night or morning. You will have spiced butter...
This Texas hot apple cider will warm your boots on a cold night! There is enough for the state of Texas in this recipe. It's big! Perfect for parties!...
Traditional Christmas punch garnished with floating baked apples and cinnamon sticks. Serve warm or at room temperature. Add a spray of pine or cedar fronds...
On a cool evening, when you want to wrap your hands around a warm cup, or if you want to soothe a scratchy, dry throat, try this comforting cider. Brightened...
Simple spiced apple cider! I used to buy the spices already mixed at the grocery store, and they stopped carrying it this year, so I just made my own....
This tastes just like apple pie! Great in the autumn around a campfire or on a hay-ride. Put it in canning jars with rings and lids for that down-home...
This tasty cider is made with cinnamon sticks and cloves. It is an excellent project for elementary school students; second graders love it. Each child...